Help Inspire the World, Write a Poem for Peace

Resources for Tweens & Teens (10-18)

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Sensory Tools for Youth & Adults

“New Kids” Here to Save the World

Poems for Peace

In 1982, a ten year old girl named Samantha Smith saved the world with a simple letter that halted the cold war.Samantha Reed Smith from Maine wrote this simple letter...

Resources for All Ages

Download this PDF for support with substance abuse disorder, developmental disabilities, grieving, LGBTQ+ support, crisis and other needs.

Yoga Nidra for Young Adults

A relaxation technique modified for the hearts and minds of young adults.

Call and Text Lines for Support

Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741-741 TrevorLifeLine: 866-488-7386 (LQBTQ specific) Trevor Text: Text START to 678-678 Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860

Maine Resources

Day One: Resources and treatment for teenagers experiencing substance use disorder; various locations, 207-767-0991, STRIVE: programs and resources for tweens, teenagers, and young adults with developmental disabilities, South Portland,...

Wise Innocence – Alicia Mathewson

Alicia Mathewson was going to sing her song to begin us off - Please listen and watch her inspiring message - and allow her Love to buzz through your cells...